Study Questions

Apply Your Knowledge

Which of the following is an appropriate
safety control design objective?

Control objectives

1. Safety is one of the seven categories of control objectives.

Design materials that do not corrode


Prevent high pressure in closed vessel (above vessel rating)

Design vessel walls that are strong enough

Do not allow excessive reflux to return to the tower













Which of the following is an appropriate
environmental protection control design objective?

Control objectives

2. Environmental protection is one of the seven categories of control objectives.

Do not process hazardous materials


Do not allow liquid to overflow to the environment from the reflux drum

Do not release hazardous vapors to the environment

Do not allow leaks from the pumps














Which of the following is an appropriate
equipment protection control design objective?

Control objectives

3. Equipment protection is one of the seven categories of control objectives.


Do not blow up the tower

Keep some liquid on each tray
Keep the steam pressure in the reboiler below the maximum

Provide at least a minimum flow to the pumps by maintaining liquid in the levels















Which of the following is an appropriate
smooth operation control design objective?

Control objectives

4. Smooth operation is one of the seven categories of control objectives.


Moderate flows from the tower to downstream units

Do not change the reboiler duty
Maintain the levels within max/min limits
Maintain the pressure drop across the stripping section constant



















Which of the following is an appropriate
product quality control design objective?

Control objectives

5. Product quality is one of the seven categories of control objectives.


Maintain the light key in the bottom product at its specification

Maintain the lighter than light key in the distillate below is maximum
Control the pressure required for the product quality
Maintain the heavy key in the distillate product at its specification


















How can we affect
profit when most valves are already used for higher priority objectives?

Control objectives

Profit is important; we have to pay the engineers ($$$$)!

We must have valves that are not used for other objectives.

We cannot effect profit through process control
We can adjust the set points of controllers implemented for other objectives

None of the above













Which of the following is an appropriate
profit control design objective?

Control objectives

6. Profit is one of the seven categories of control objectives.


Maintain the light key in the bottom product at a value that maximizes profit

Keep the tray temperatures at the highest profit values
Control the pressure to the value that yields the highest profit
I still don't believe that control affects profit!















Which of the following is an appropriate
monitoring and diagnosis control design objective?

Control objectives

7. Monitoring and diagnosis is one of the seven categories of control objectives.

Here, we will focus on short-term monitoring - alarms.


Provide an alarm for every measured variable

Provide an alarm on the pressure difference across the stripping section.
Provide a high alarm on the pressure in the tower.
Provide high and low alarms for the bottoms level













Which of the following is an appropriate
monitoring and diagnosis control design objective?

Control objectives

7. Monitoring and diagnosis is one of the seven categories of control objectives.

Here, we will focus on longer-term monitoring and process diagnosis.


Provide a trend plot and historical data storage for every variable

Measure the pressure with two sensors
Measure several tray temperatures
Measure the flow rate of the feed, although it is controlled by an upstream unit













Which of the following sensor ranges is correct?


We need to specify the range for every sensor.


Reflux flow: 10-120% of design

Tray temperature: design=300 ºC, range = 250-350 ºC
Level: from drain to very top

Pressure: design = 5 atm,

range = 0 to 10 atm.













For controlling pressure in the tower, which valve would you manipulate?

Loop Pairing



There is no need to manipulate a valve, the pressure would be essentially constant.

The distillate flow valve
The liquid flow from the condenser
The steam flow to the reboiler.












If you want to control the bottom product purity, but you do not have an on-stream analyzer, what
dominant variable would you select to control?

Loop Pairing

Dominant variable - maintains important unmeasured variables near their desired values.


Use a Fenske-Gilliland model to estimate the bottoms purity.

  Maintain the reboiler duty as constant as possible.
  Control a tray temperature in the lower half of the column
  There is nothing that we can do.  We must install an on-stream analyzer.